Friday, August 31, 2012


I’ve spent a lot of time in my life thinking about food. Sure, I realize that this might seem like a silly statement because we all eat and enjoy meals constantly, but for me it’s just a little different. As a graduate of The Culinary Institute of America, I see sitting down to a meal as more than just a chance to satisfy hunger. I love to eat not only because it can taste absolutely amazing, but also because I appreciate the hard work and artistry that goes behind making food great.

Since graduating culinary school I’ve begun a bachelor’s degree at Saint Louis University, but I have not lost my love of food or of the industry itself. Rather, SLU has provided me with an incredible opportunity to expand my culinary repertoire. Tomorrow I leave for a semester in Madrid, Spain, which will be my first time across the pond to experience Europe. In order to share and document my culinary adventures over the next few months I’ve decided to start this blog. (Original, I know, but I promise there will be lots of delicious descriptions and pretty pictures!)

The name of my blog, “La Vida Comida”, can be translated in two ways, the first being “food life” and the second being “life, eaten”. Besides the fact that I thought it rolled off the tongue well, I really want this blog to be a front row seat to the food scene of Madrid. I want to share with you how it feels to eat the foods of Spain, on their streets, prepared by the locals. 

So please, join me, because I'm hungry and ready for all that Spain has to offer!


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