Sunday, September 9, 2012


It was only an eight-hour flight, but after eating some surprisingly decent airplane food (don’t worry Dad, I stayed away from the tempting shrimp salad) and entertaining myself with an Ellen DeGeneres book and the in-flight movie, I woke up to Spain. Buenos noches EEUU, y buenas dias España. ¡¿Es muy loco, no?!

The first day was pretty indescribable to say the least. Not wanting us to succumb to the jetlag, our senora insisted that my roommates and I go out to explore our new neighborhood. Being good little chicas we dropped our bags and hit the streets of Madrid.

Two minutes into our walk and we were passing under an arch of the Plaza Mayor. You know, just that pretty little plaza where bullfights, festivals, and public executions alike have been held for the past few centuries. Needless to say, I have one of the coolest backyards in the world.  

As we made our way through the Sunday market, El Rastro, I tried my hardest to absorb the lifestyle of the Spaniards. The sights, sounds, and smells were all very intriguing, but not because of their peculiarity. Rather, it was their simplicity that initially struck me. Hungry? Grab some tapas with a friend. Thirsty? Sit in a plaza and enjoy a refreshing glass of sangria. Nothing was extraordinary, and yet everyone seemed so content on their Sunday afternoon.

Madrid has baffled me in this first week because the Spaniards make it all seem so simple. Take time to live in appreciation of what surrounds you. 

I’ve REALLY appreciated tasting the foods of Madrid, so here are a few pictures from this week.



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